
Provider Network Operations

MedPOINT’s Provider Network Operations (PNO) department serves as a liaison between contracted providers and HMOs. Services include advising providers of new policies and procedures, recommending best practices, answering questions, and assisting with issue resolution. Another key function revolves around provider activation and directory reconciliation which includes facilitating new provider training. PNO also supports provider contracting to ensure network specialty access is maintained.

Our PNO team has the collective healthcare industry and other related knowledge to build new networks and expand existing networks. They assist with contract management and analysis to establish and maintain comprehensive network and tertiary level specialty panels while supporting Primary Care Physicians (PCPs).

Additionally, each IPA is assigned a dedicated field representative who visits each office and/or clinic frequently to support the day-to-day operations of the physician network. Services include interaction with the physicians and their office staff to leverage conversations with client leadership and health plans. Field reps are also assigned to specialty providers to assist with ‘hands-on’ web portal training and answer questions.

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